About the News ECHR
The News ECHR is the leading publisher of news and commentary about the European Court of Human Rights and more broadly on human rights in Europe. We are devoted to publishing news and covering the ECtHR without bias and according to the highest journalistic and legal ethical standards. The News ECHR team started researching the Court and sharing news and analysis in 2019. The News ECHR intends to contribute to the Court’s transparency by providing public access to the Court’s documents that are not available in the Court’s official HUDOC database.
We publish news, opinion pieces, commentary, statistics, book reviews, interviews, case summaries, judge or attorney profiles, in-depth feature articles, and event coverage. Our database of files submitted to the Strasbourg Court contains applications, member states’ responses, third party interventions, the Court’s documents and other files shared by applicants and other users. Freelance journalists are welcome to pitch proposals on anything related to the European Court of Human Rights, the Council of Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights, or human rights generally. If your work is featured on NewsECHR and we have accidentally failed to credit you, please let us know.
General inquiries and proposals: office@newsechr.com
Editor-in-Chief: Anastasiia Shkuro as@newsechr.com
Editor: Aria Manoj am@newsechr.com
Case summaries editor: Jorge Martinez office@newsechr.com
Web Editor: office@newsechr.com
Postal address: News ECHR, 16 Avenue de l’Europe, SXB1, Strasbourg FR 67300